Funeral Costs
The cost of an individual funeral will be determined by the wishes of the family. In cases where your loved one has made prearrangements, then those prior wishes will need to be considered. Funerals are a very personal choice; you may prefer simplicity and elegance or an elaborate funeral, we are happy to facilitate that for you.
What does a funeral cost?
Arranging a funeral service is very personal and costs can vary significantly depending on what is
involved. There are generally four main costs associated with a funeral. These are:
- Professional Service Fees – planning and coordination of funeral arrangements.
- Coffin or Casket – a very individual choice with prices dependant on construction, colour, quality,
finish and style. - Cemetery or Cremation Fees – as set by the individual cemeteries and crematorium.
- Disbursements – these are the costs that we pay on your behalf and include things like notifications in the newspaper, clergy and church costs, flowers, musician(s), catering, cremation
urns, livestreaming & videography.
What does the Professional Service Fee include?
- Dignified guidance, care and attention from our team – 24/7
- A team member to meet with you to discuss & plan the funeral service – in our office, or
in the comfort of your home - Provision of caring, dignified mortuary care by our experienced and qualified staff
- Coordination and supervision of all necessary staff and service providers
- Provision of well-maintained funeral vehicles, including hearse
- Registration of death with the State Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages
- Coordination of all necessary documentation and legal paperwork
- Advice to Centrelink/Medicare and/or Department of Veteran Affairs
- Preparation of documentation and applications to make arrangements for interment or cremation
- Organisation of donation envelopes for the charity or association of your choice (if requested)
- Online Tribute Notice – Website (if requested)

Some of the things that determine cost are:
- Whether the funeral involves a cremation or a burial
- If it is a burial, whether a plot has been pre purchased
- Sometimes additional travel is required
- We may ask you questions about your loved one’s height and weight at the time of arrangement to ensure that standard coffin sizes will be appropriate or if the coffin size needs to be adjusted to accommodate your loved one.
- The choice of coffin in terms of materials used and the extent of workmanship
- Whether embalming services are involved in the care of the deceased
- The extent of floral tributes
- The length, style and number of death and funeral notices placed in newspapers
- The extent of multimedia services required e.g. photographic tribute and service sheets
- Charges made by celebrants, clergy or organists
- The extent of catering for post-funeral gatherings
- The level of Funeral Director service offered
- Services held on a weekend or public holiday
- Remember – a funeral is a combination of many services – each with an influence on cost. A funeral that is more complex to plan and carry out will cost more than one that is simple in structure.
Variable Items Include:
- Type of service – Burial or Cremation
- Choice or Gravesite or Memorial
Maranoa Regional Council displays the variable cost of their cemeteries on their website (vary depending on council location or crematorium used) - Chapel, Church or Crematorium
- Choice of Coffin or Casket – We offer a wide range of coffins and caskets including, Eco hand-woven cane, solid timbers to natural timber and polished veneer. You can choose from a range of modern colours, handles and lid styles. The prices of coffins vary from $450 and $3450. Caskets range between $2200 up to $5800 for the more elaborate. The cost will depend on your preference, the style and finish you choose.
- Floral Arrangements – A wide choice of size, style, colours and blooms ranging from $150
- Orders Of Service – We provide an in-house design and print service to incorporate important photos, poetry or perhaps a tribute backed by a personal theme that is complimentary to you. The cost of each finished item is from $2.85
- Memorial Books – A beautiful bound signing book in white, blue, graphite & burgundy printed with the details of your loved one. From $65
- Newspaper Notices – from $280
- Celebrant / Clergy / Officiant – from $300
This is a Cremation Service which is performed without the presence of Family or Friends. There is NO Funeral Service held. – from $6203.00 (incl GST)
- Professional Service Fee
- Transfer of your loved one into our care (within town area)
- Basic essential care coffin (standard size)
- Cremation permit
- Crematorium fees
- Death Notice – website (complimentary)
- Death certificate
- Transfer to Crematorium
Note (same day return of ashes)
- Our business and mortuary is located at 36 Bungil Street, Roma Qld 4455.
- Crematorium used is located at Toowoomba Garden of Remembrance, 1001 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350.
- Transportation of the deceased to the burial or cremation will be in a suitable vehicle owned by our company.