FREEMAN, Warrick Anderson

Late of “Ballandean Station” and “Meeleebee Downs”, Wallumbilla. Passed away on Thursday, 28th April 2022, surrounded by loving family. Aged 67 years.

Loved and Devoted Husband of Kell. Much loved Father and Father-in-law of Sam and Adam; Rob and Claire. Adored “Waggy” of Angus; Hamish; and Eloise. Dear Brother-in-law of the McAuliffe, McSweeney and Danks families.

Relatives and friends are welcome to a celebration of Warrick’s life to be held at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Roma on Friday, 13th May 2022, commencing 2.00 p.m.

Service complete at the church. 


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  1. Laurel Blackwood

    Condolences to the Freeman Family, my thoughts are with you at this sad time

  2. David Spear

    So sorry to hear. a lovely kind man who shared his knowledge freely. May you rest in green pastures.

  3. David Porter

    My condolences to the family. Warrick was a great mate at school and I spent many half-term holidays at the family farm where a young English boy got his first taste of the Australian bush. He was so kind and fun to be with, taught me to drive, to shoot, and after we left Scotch he would visit me and my family whenever he was in Melbourne. We lost touch after we moved to Queensland but I have often thought about him over the years, and it’s lovely to see that familiar smile, though in very sad circumstances. Vale old mate.