CONNOLLY , Janice Mary

Late of “Homebush”, Mitchell. Passed away 18th June 2022. Aged 89 years.

Dearly loved mother and mother-in-law of Kim and Evan Acton, Timothy, Robin and Jillian and grandmother of Jack and Ella. Partner of Buster Hartnell.

Family and friends are warmly invited to attend a graveside funeral, to be held at Mitchell Cemetery, 42 Alice Street, Mitchell at 10.00 am on Saturday 25th June 2022.

‘Remembered always’


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  1. Suzy Byrnes

    My dear friend, I won’t be there to say goodbye, but will remember you always.

  2. Bim & Susan Struss

    A reverend lady of the bush with strength of character and determination.
    Endured difficulty but remained resolute and feminine.
    A loss to her Family, to her Friends, and to her acquaintances.
    Her cup of life runneth over.